Friday, July 04, 2008

It ain't all fun and games

So, I've been absent for awhile, not that anyone's noticed, I'm sure. Busy doesn't even begin to describe it.

I'm back in my lobernate mode. Someone recently pointed out to me that just because I stay indoors in the summer to avoid the heat, does not mean that I'm actually doing the opposite of what bears do in the winter, justifying my little play on word. But I like my made-up word, lobernate, so I still use it. I am finding that since losing some weight, or since growing older; or maybe it's a bit of both - anyway, I'm somewhat more tolerant of heat than I used to be. Still can't take the sunshine, though, so it's a summer indoors for me.

I need a life. That's such a cliche, but it's also so very true. I spend all day during the week at work, and when I come home, I work some more. On the weekends, I work. Of course, the fact that I have no money to play might have something to do with this. All I can afford to do is watch television (and nothing you have to pay for!) or read. I've been to all the free museums and can't afford the ones you pay for. I'll have to save up and splurge to see The X-Files in July. Ack! How did I get in this predicament?!?!?!?

This being a very disjointed post, it's pretty obvious that I'm posting for the sake of posting. So I think I'll sign off and stop imposing my rambling on the unsuspecting Internet public.


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