Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Somebody told me... update my blog. So here I am.

She's right, though. I really need to get back into real life, in all it's aspects.

The major project at work is done. It's installed and up and running. I was telling my boss today that, while I know realistically that the transition period is going to be more stressful than all eleven years that I've supported the old system put together, there was still some part of me that expected all that stress to just roll off me when the new system was put in place.

But people are creatures of habit. They came to me for every problem or question on the old system and now they do the same with the new system. Only because it is new, they have many, many more questions and problems. I really need to start deflecting to other members of the implementation team before I get locked into the same old rut.

On to more pleasant things. I need to decide what to do about vacation this year. Part of me is pondering a vacation WITHOUT the SO. As much as I love travelling with him, part of me wants to get off by myself and just chill. The SO is one of those people who insist on death marches of shopping or other activities whenever travelling, followed by nightclubbing until the not-so-wee hours. Which means I invariably need a few days to rest from my vacation whenever I get back from my vacation. The only reason I survived the cruise last summer is that he was recuperating from surgery and was forced to take things easy.

I'm pondering Vermont in June. Or maybe Maine. I love the seashore, but only when it's cold.

Any thoughts? Anyone? Anyone? Buehler?


Blogger Robin said...

Memphis? LOL

7:17 PM  
Blogger Jade said...

The ocean when it's cold is always a good place to be (and less crowded!) I can recommend stuff over here to do, but it sounds like you don't want to fly far?

1:13 PM  

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