Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Competitive Edginess

I am terribly competitive. I'm not sure why. And I guess I really don't care why. But it always amazes me when I do something that makes me realize it. I think of myself as the shy, retiring type, not wanting to draw attention to myself.

Until I'm in a class. I'm totally driven to solve the problems first, answer the questions first and generally outshine everyone. Think a nearly 50-year-old Hermione Granger.

Fortunately, I don't take enough classes for it to be a real problem. And while there are vestiges of it in other aspects of my life (you don't want to play Trivial Pursuit with me), as long as it doesn't spread any further, I'm content not to worry about it.

In case you haven't guessed it, I took a class today. At one point, I nearly had to physically restrain myself from shooting my hand up in the air when the instructor asked a question. At my age, it would have really been juvenile.

At least I didn't have to stay after school.


Blogger Jade said...

Heya - I didn't know you had a blog going :)
I'm the same way with Trivial Pursuit... nobody ever wants to play with me beacause I get so... Monica about it. (in the post-Friends world I suppose that would be all Hermione about it!)

11:41 PM  

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